Welcome to the Coconino County Republican Committee (CCRC) 

Please join us at an upcoming meeting. Meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month, unless there is a special event.

The CCRC’s next General Meeting will be held February 8, 2025

10:00 am – 12:00 pm


245 N. THORPE Rd.

Flagstaff, AZ, 86001

Meeting Agenda

At CCRC general meetings, you can meet your fellow county Republicans and hear more about what is happening in your county and community. The CCRC seeks to showcase office holders and candidates key to your future and to principled, constitutional government. State, county and local officials are often invited guest speakers at meetings. During election seasons, candidates for local, county, state and federal offices present their positions. We ask that you arrive 1/2 hour prior to the meeting’s start time to register so that we can take advantage of the full two hours!


Can’t Make It to Flagstaff?
If you would like to attend the meeting via ZOOM, please email the address below to receive your Zoom invitation. 


Please Congratulate Our

Chairman: Joe Donaldson

1st Vice Chairman: Larry Schug

2nd Vice Chairman: Sarica Cernohous

3rd Vice Chairman: B.J. Dempsey

Treasurer: Jack Williams

Secretary: Steve Carter


Help Block the Hobbs Agenda!

The Katie Hobbs Agenda should be entirely dead on arrival at the legislature.

In the last two years, Katie Hobbs has failed to make good on any of her top priorities, and after spending millions to flip the legislature, she was only left with more Republicans in both chambers.

  • Hobbs is proposing a $1 billion+ spending increase, representing 7.5% growth in spending over last year. If that wasn’t bad on its own, Hobbs’ proposal is a broken deficit budget.

  • Hobbs, unsurprisingly and predictably, is back again attacking the widely popular universal ESA program.

  • Though Hobbs talked tough on the border in her State of the State address, just days later she vowed not to assist the federal government in deporting illegals.

Please SIGN THIS PETITION to urge the legislature to stand firm against the Hobbs agenda entirely!



Your Republican Party Needs You!

Make the Republican Party more like you !

Become a Precinct Committeeman!

A Precinct Committeeman (“PC”) has been called “the most powerful office in the world” because the PC is the closest structured political officeholder to the registered voter.  A PC can influence internal Party policy and is able to elect district, county and state party officers.
To learn more about how you can become a Precinct Committeeman, click HERE


The Coconino County Republicans are happy to promote various Coconino County Republican Organizations and Clubs.

Please CLICK HERE  for the latest list.