We Are America First!

The United States of America has, over its history, brought about an epoch of great distribution of opportunity, depending on the people to maintain their government according to its Constitution. Our capitalistic, democratic Republic has precipitated a huge expansion of the middle class, not only in America, but in much of the developed world, led by our example. Such popular government depends upon its citizens to be vigilant, active and concerned. Inattention to current events and a passive attitude will lead inexorably towards a more stagnant and dogmatic socialistic era marked by a greater concentration of wealth and property within the political and corporate elite, and the reduced potential for the average citizen’s upward mobility. We must all remember that, “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”.

To quote our Declaration of Independence, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness — That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness”. 

We want Americans united, not divided. And, we will work to make America great for all Americans. How do we as Americans achieve this end both locally and nationally?

  • Encourage & Support Strong and Stable Families.
  • Recognize that Faith moves mountains. Real faith is more than just believing in God alone. We strive for living faith, demonstrated by good works according to His laws and commandments.
  • Compel Education, Not Indoctrination. To successfully compete, our children need to be educated to be critical thinkers, not to think critically of others.
  • Apply & Enforce the Law Equally. Laws mean nothing if they don’t apply equally to everyone and are not equally enforced.
  • Demand Equal Opportunity not equal outcomes. Equal outcomes are unattainable and accrue only to those few who lead such an endeavor.
  • Promote policies, programs & incentives to Rebuild American Industry and to Keep Jobs in America for Americans.
  • Promote Ideas over Ideology.
  • Trust and Apply Science, not kneel to Scientism.
  • Require Controlled and Legal immigration. America cannot survive open borders and uncontrolled immigration into what is now a rapidly expanding welfare state, because having both will irrevocably drain our nation’s wealth. A strong American economy demands immigrants with the skills to contribute to society, not take from it.
  • Demand Election Integrity. We will protect the personal franchise of voting, which is in essence the giving of our consent to be governed.
  • Pass on to the next generation of Americans a Honest and Factual Understanding of Our Proud History and a joyful appreciation of America’s fantastically rich cultural heritage.
  • Our Founders established a Government of The People, by The People and for The People, formed to protect and defend our individual rights, and to ensure our safety and security. We will work to keep it so. What other political construct in history has aroused, offered and actually allowed the individual to burst the chains under which elites and tyrants had bound them and to assume the liberty, blessings and security of self-government?  NOT ONE!

To quote President Trump, “Americanism, not Globalism, will be our credo”.  By electing President Trump, We the People chose America First!

What is the America First agenda?

  • Bring jobs and industries back to America.
  • End our reliance on communist China and the cheap foreign labor of “global supply chains.”
  • Buy American and Hire American.
  • Do what’s good for American citizens rather than pursue the goal of a borderless world.
  • Pursue economic nationalism instead of globalism.
  • Reject the heresy of free trade and defend American workers and businesses against the predations of a global corporate oligarchy.
  • Restrict immigration to end the downward pressure on Americans’ wages and to insure assimilation into an American civil society.
  • Fight for our national sovereignty instead of submission to the alphabet soup of transnational authorities such as the WTO, WHO, G20, OECD etc.
  • Return to rule by our elected representatives rather than by a permanent state bureaucracy and a corrupt judiciary accountable to no one.
  • End the military adventurism of endless wars that drains our blood and treasure and destroys tradition and cultures here and abroad.
  • Rebuild America rather than embark on nation-building projects around the world.
  • Break up monopolies that control our media, technology, food and health care and that have an undue influence over our society and government.
  • Reject the neo-Marxist ideology of race and gender identity and to stand up for our American national identity; the traditional values of God, personal responsibility and inalienable rights granted to all of us by our Creator and not by government.


Repeal the 17th Amendment:

The Senate was designed and established by our Founders to represent the interests of each state, with two Senators appointed by each state’s legislature. The Senate was not designed to represent ‘the people’; that’s the job of the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives was created to be the voice of the people, i.e., “The Peoples’ House.”  The U.S. Senate was structurally created to be the place where state government had representation in the federal government’s decision-making.  The 17th amendment completely removed state representation, and we have been in an escalating battle over state’s rights ever since.

Today’s Senate is a silo – by design – isolated, not only from influence of the states, but also from the American public. If we want to change the dynamic, we must repeal the 17th amendment and return to the original constitutional construct: Senators appointed to represent the interests of each state by State Legislatures.

Repeal the 17th amendment and we would see the most significant restoration of freedom, liberty and social balance in our lifetime !